Beware Africans, Internally Displaced People, Asylum Seekers & Refugees: You are the Next Targets for the Jab. You are Wiser. Do not fall for the scam called charity/donation. Video Credit: Original Source: World Health Summit Berlin, Germany – Key 01 Opening Ceremony 24-10-2021

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò in Bern: after the Health Crisis will come the Ecological and Transhuman Crisis (12.11.2021)

Italian English Transcript German Transcript Video & Transcript Credit: Marco Tosatti

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Message to Demonstrators in Turin Italy on 15.10.2021 (in Italian, German Translation & English Transcript)

Italian: Messaggio alle piazze – “NO PAURA DAY” Video Credit: Informa To Web German Translation: Erzbischof Carlo Maria Viganò deckt alles auf: Grußwort an die Demonstranten in Turin Video Credit: Marcellus English Transcript Transcription Credit: Corriere Regioni

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