MEP Cristian Terheş (Romania): “We are here for you and we will fight for you.”

Know their names: Vilibor Sincic (Croatia), Francesca Donato, (Italy), Christine Anderson (Germany) and Cristian Terheş (Romania) 1st Press Conference 20 October 2021: Four MEPs on the abusive use of Green Certificate – European Parliament Video Credit: MEP Cristian Terheş

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Questions and Answers Session in the 2nd Press Conference 28 October 2021: MEPs Supporting the rights of workers against the Mandatory Digital Certificate.

Know their names: Vilibor Sincic (Croatia), Francesca Donato, (Italy), Christine Anderson (Germany) and Cristian Terheş (Romania) Video Credit: MEP Cristian Terheş

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MEP Stasys Jakeliunas (Lituania): “There Is No Pandemic Anymore based on the (Current) Data.”

3rd Press Conference 24 November 2021: MEPs fighting for freedom in the EU. Defending peoples’ rights against Mandatory Digital Certificate. Video Credit: MEP Cristian Terheş

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MEP Cristian Terheş (Romania) Defending Peoples Rights Against Mandatory Digital Certificate

3rd Press Conference 24 November 2021: MEPs fighting for freedom in the EU. Defending peoples’ rights against Mandatory Digital Certificate. Video Credit: MEP Cristian Terheş

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Watch the Brilliant Answers from the MEPs to the Questions: “Why do we want to put a vast majority of people in the EU under threat because some people don’t want to be vaccinated? Which rights do you want to exercise here when non-vaccinated people, very tiny minority is threat?”

3rd Press Conference 24 November 2021: MEPs fighting for freedom in the EU. Defending peoples’ rights against Mandatory Digital Certificate. Video Credit: MEP Cristian Terheş

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