Covid-19: a Psychological Operation or Extremely Sophisticated Public Relations Campaign with A lot of Fraudulent and Criminal Data Reporting

Dr Patrick Gentempo interview with Dr Andrew Kaufman Covid-19: a Psychological Operation or Extremely Sophisticated Public Relations Campaign Fraudulent and Criminal Data Reporting Videos Source: (Covid Edition 2021 Episode 1)

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Dr Andrew Kaufman: Covid-19 is a Computer Model of a Theoretical Virus that never exist. Based on the actual scientific study done, every single scientific element about the Covid-19 virus is not true!

Dr Patrick Gentempo interview with Dr Andrew Kaufman Video Source: (Covid Edition 2021 Episode 1)

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Dr Zack Bush: It is a Criminal Behaviour to Target African Americans with the Flu Vaccines in the midst of whatever we call Covid-19 Video Source: (Covid Edition 2021 Episode 1)

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