I will watch ANYTHING with Todd Callendar, even if a repeat, a short soundbite, snippet or edit… always learn from this .brave. man. Thanks for sharing!!! People need to see / hear Todds perspectives. An(y) intelligent could not easily argue his points… stands to benefit.
Yep, having been an insurance executive myself in the past, I do recognize that he has the real figures and forecasting models in place. No doubt about that. Thanks for your very valuable comments and have a good night’s rest. Cheers Dr. M. (DBA)
2 years ago
[ SADLY ] I have given up trying to share this type of information… Mass Formation is at play, people “will come at you”, argue and fight relentlessly… as the Jbb effected will do everything “to prove otherwise” ie. spend more time in dispute than learning about a complex topic, so far beyond the general masses knowledge…
They are so easily bamboozled by word salad narratives originated by MDs?(people calling themselves doctors) paid actors, even big names, reinforcing utter nonsense largely promoted by the TeLIEvision. Think how the entire CV1984 narrative was started by Tom and Rita, the fakers… on the take.
In with Mattias Desmet’s sociology of Mass Formation Theory. However, from an individual- and Group psy perspective, I do perceive the following two biases at work: 1. Cognitive Dissonance and, 2. Escalation of Commitment (… more jabs…) as opposed to the Stockholm Syndrom. I do not see the Group-Think phenomenon that much at work but, the Abilene Paradox phenomenon. They all went there. They all thought they would do a favor to themselves and others. Yet, arrived there they start realizing the deception. Thoughts?
I will watch ANYTHING with Todd Callendar, even if a repeat, a short soundbite, snippet or edit… always learn from this .brave. man. Thanks for sharing!!! People need to see / hear Todds perspectives. An(y) intelligent could not easily argue his points… stands to benefit.
Yep, having been an insurance executive myself in the past, I do recognize that he has the real figures and forecasting models in place. No doubt about that. Thanks for your very valuable comments and have a good night’s rest. Cheers Dr. M. (DBA)
[ SADLY ] I have given up trying to share this type of information… Mass Formation is at play, people “will come at you”, argue and fight relentlessly… as the Jbb effected will do everything “to prove otherwise” ie. spend more time in dispute than learning about a complex topic, so far beyond the general masses knowledge…
They are so easily bamboozled by word salad narratives originated by MDs?(people calling themselves doctors) paid actors, even big names, reinforcing utter nonsense largely promoted by the TeLIEvision. Think how the entire CV1984 narrative was started by Tom and Rita, the fakers… on the take.
In with Mattias Desmet’s sociology of Mass Formation Theory. However, from an individual- and Group psy perspective, I do perceive the following two biases at work: 1. Cognitive Dissonance and, 2. Escalation of Commitment (… more jabs…) as opposed to the Stockholm Syndrom. I do not see the Group-Think phenomenon that much at work but, the Abilene Paradox phenomenon. They all went there. They all thought they would do a favor to themselves and others. Yet, arrived there they start realizing the deception. Thoughts?